• Frequently Asked Questions

    Desert Green Creations Puts The Focus Back on Exceptional Service

Frequently Asked Questions

Fertilizing Trees and shrubs in March, June, and September. March and September use, Treeland Blend 18-8-2 with minor elements and June or summer months use, Grow More slow release fertilizer.

Wildflowers are a beautiful addition to the landscape providing color, texture, and sometimes even fragrance. The best time to plant spring-flowering annual wildflowers is in the fall when daytime temperatures are below 90 degrees.

Woodpeckers and flickers normally make their nests in saguaros, usually with no harm done to the plant.  Do not attempt to block the holes, as this can lead to moisture build up and infection of the tissue inside.

Plants will at some point produce some amount of debris such as spent flowers, leaves, fruit, or seed.  But there are some desert-adapted plants that produce a relatively low litter.  Some of the plants and trees are.

Most citrus flower in February and March, except lemons these can flower all year.
Watering citrus (flood and let dry out between waterings)
April-September water every 7-10 days and November- February every 3-4 weeks.
Fertilize citrus March, June, and September, using Treeland blend 16-8-2 with minor elements.
Citrus are considered mature after 4 years in the ground.
Younger trees will require more frequent water and less fertilizer.
Ripening season for most citrus varieties is from November- March.

Pre-emerge weed control is a weed seed preventative. It prevents weeds from germinating in your stone areas and turf areas. The best time to add is November – December to prevent winter crop of weeds, and at the end of May to prevent the summer crop of weeds. A great time to apply is right before a rain so it gets down in the soil by Mother Nature, otherwise, you will have to water it in. make sure you hose off all your plantings after applying.

Landscape lighting can bring your outdoors alive. It will be an extension of your home to the outdoors. It can highlight areas for safety and security. DGC can have your lights come on/off by photo cell, timers, we can add dimmers and separate your lights leaving your path on while all the other lights are off.  Led lighting is the new direction the lighting industry is heading.

Hardscaping is all the non-living elements of a landscape. Hardscaping include materials make from concrete, brick, stone, or wood. Some examples are outdoor fireplaces, outdoor kitchens, fire pits, retaining or planting walls, water features, fountains, pavers or tile flooring, and much more.

The first step is to add an HC Pro Hunter Timer with Hydrawise software. A full-functioning controller with touchscreen and Wi-Fi enabled with access from mobile devices.
HC Flow Meter (has flow monitoring/instant high-low flow alerts/leak detection/water outage during irrigation/total water use reporting/zone water use reporting. )

The key importance of designing a landscape project is what your desires now and in the future are. I look at the project as a whole and from there look at where I can phase a job within a budget and still can be functional and beautiful. We can phase your next landscape project.

The landscaper is Licensed, Bonded, and Insured through the Registrar of Contractors. It is for your protection as a consumer. With an Unlicensed Landscaper, you will have no protection, except through the court system.

Desert Green Creations has been in business for over 30 years. We show up on time and do what we say we are going to do. We make sure that the scope of work is detailed and informative. We also guarantee all of our work to be installed correctly the first time, and most importantly, we listen to our customers needs and wants!